What’s the difference between Sandbox and Production Billforward environments?

What’s the difference between Sandbox and Production Billforward environments?

This is your training area to try things out! Get creative, click around, set up random subscriptions, and trial customers to get some practice with Billforward’s platform. Rest assured that it is impossible to break anything inside Sandbox environment and everything is private just to you and your team.

To login to your Sandbox environment go to: https://app-sandbox.billforward.net

This is the environment you want to use once you are ready to start selling your subscriptions. Please note that whatever you might have created in Sandbox won’t transfer into your production environment, so you are starting with a clean slate. Set up your first plan, add in your first customer and you are ready to go!

To login to your Production environment:

If you opted to setup your Billforward organisation in the EU go to: https://app-eu.billforward.net

Otherwise, got to: https://app.billforward.net 

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